Indiana Rocketry February 2013

February 2013

/ Ash Grove Site

1 flight, 2560 N-sec burned

The February launch was windy on Saturday but perfect on Sunday, with clear blue skies.

Flight 1: Competitor 4, PPL K900

I had prepped this flight for January but never got around to getting it in the air due to the rain on the second day of the launch. Jen Dadson helped me carry it out to the pad and get it on the rail; everybody beeped out happy beeps so it was back to the rangehead to push the button. I had installed a Pyrodex pellet at the head end of the port, so when Richard Cash counted down, the motor lit up quickly and the rocket headed nice and straight into the sky. Kittell had loaned me his tracker since I left mine at home, but he had a visual on it the whole way down; the main appeared on cue and Creighton and I made a long trek through the muddy field to get it back. Nice flight.

Altitude: 7,479 ft

I like to design, build, and fly rockets. PostFlight started as a project to help me keep track of them. Now I've opened it up so you can follow along, too.
I fly with:
Indiana Rocketry, Inc. MDRA
Hey! What are you doing down here? The rocket stuff (yea, it's © 2024 David Reese) is up there!