Midwest Power 11

November 2013

/ Princeton, IL

1 flight, 4600 N-sec burned

My parents were in town for the Ohio State game, but I managed to talk my way in to a few days at Midwest Power. The weather was rainy and overcast on Friday and Saturday, providing plenty of time to catch up with the attendees. But by the time Sunday rolled around, the weather took a turn for the better, and I managed to crank off a flight before heading back to West Lafayette. Thanks to Vic for the prep space!

Flight 1: Competitor 4, PPL L1960

I wanted to make a batch of blue for a few rockets, and the Competitor 4 was the first recipient of the new propellant. I elected to up the copper a bit, using Alex McLaughlin's old Alumaflame formula. As a result, I backed off on this motor a bit (I like my nozzles tight), running it at an unusually easy 201-215. I wrote "Duck Duck Tim" on the flight card, trying to stick with the theme for the launch. After recycling the pad battery (thanks Wayneo) and checking my tracker (thanks Roger), Tim announced the flight and called out the count. The motor lit right up and the rocket cranked off the pad much faster than I had anticipated. It's been a while since the Competitor has been up on more than a 2550 and it definitely got up and boogied. I was holding my breath as the motor burned out with a little wiggle, but all was smooth and the rocket began an invisible coast to apogee. Dual deploy landed me two fields over, just across a waterway. In the process of tracking, I found a Gizmo XLDD (with chute) and a mini Eagle Claw (without one; it had clearly seen better days). Creighton picked me up next to the horses on 2300N and that was that. Not a bad Lucky #13 for the old bird!
I like to design, build, and fly rockets. PostFlight started as a project to help me keep track of them. Now I've opened it up so you can follow along, too.
I fly with:
Indiana Rocketry, Inc. MDRA
Hey! What are you doing down here? The rocket stuff (yea, it's © 2025 David Reese) is up there!